【2019大师班师资简介】托马斯•艾希亚(Tamás Ascher)


托马斯•艾希亚(Tamás Ascher) 

  托马斯•艾希亚,1949年出生在布达佩斯。1973年从布达佩斯戏剧学院取得学位后开始在考波什堡的Csiky Gergely剧院工作1978-1981年间加入布达佩斯国家剧院。1983年,他称为著名的Katona Jozsef剧院联合导演,同时留任考波什堡的艺术总监。他长期在布达佩斯戏剧学院任教,并于2006年被任命为该学院院长。Ascher也是欧洲戏剧联盟(UTC)工会的创始成员之一。

  在考波什堡,他导演了布莱希特的《高加索灰阑记》(1975),《维也纳森林故事》(1978)和《卡西米尔和卡罗琳》(1982),贝克特的《等待戈多》(1975),莎士比亚的《哈姆雷特》(1980),莫里哀的《厌世者》(1991),迪伦马特《贵妇还乡》(1995),奥斯特洛夫斯基《伊尼什莫尔岛的上尉》(2003)。在Katona Joszef剧院他导演了契诃夫的《三姐妹》(1985)和《普拉托诺夫》(1990),皮兰德娄的《今夜我们来即兴》(1994),许瓦布的《总统们》(1997),斯托帕德的《阿卡迪亚》(1998),布莱希特《三便士歌剧》,约恩福瑟《秋之梦》和契诃夫《伊万诺夫》(2004)。他的很多作品都在全世界巡演。

Tamás Ascher was born in Budapest in 1949. After finishing his degree at the Theatre Academy of Budapest in 1973, he first worked as a director at the Csiky Gergely Theatre in Kaposvár before joining the National Theatre of Budapest between 1978 and 1981. In 1983, he became associate director of the prestigious Katona József Theatre, but at the same time he remained artistic director in Kaposvár, the Katona József theatre having been detached from the National Theatre of Budapest since 1982. He also gave classes at the Theatre Academy of Budapest. In 2006, he was appointed president of the Academy. Ascher is one of the founding members of the Union des Théâtres de lEurope (UTE).

In Kaposvár, he directed Brechts Caucasian Chalk Circle (1975), Ödön von Horvaths Tales from the Vienna Wood (1978) and Casimir and Caroline (1982), Becketts Waiting for Godot (1975), Shakespeares Hamlet (1980), Molières The Misanthrope (1991), Dürrenmatts The Visit of the Lady (1995) and Ostrovskys Lieutenant of Inishmore (2003). At the Katona Jószef Theatre he staged Chekhovs Three Sisters (1985) and Platonov (1990), Pirandellos Tonight we improvise (1994), Werner Schwabs Presidents (1997), Tom Stoppards Arcadia (1998), Brechts Threepenny Opera (2001), Jon Fosses Autumn dream and Chekhovs Ivanov (2004). His numerous productions tour all around the globe.