

上海戏剧学院在中国文化部、教育部和上海市委宣传部、上海市教委的支持和协助下,自2009年起,已经连续三年成功举办了三届国际导演大师班,分别是“2009国际导演大师班(美国)”、 “2010国际导演大师班(英国)”、“2011年国际导演大师班(俄罗斯)”和“2012年国际导演大师班(法国)”,邀请了美国、英国、俄罗斯和法国的当代著名戏剧导演艺术家和教育家来到上海,与我们来自全国各地的重点院团的导演和演员们一起交流和切磋导演技法,使中西方导演艺术碰撞出新的火花和灵感。
联系人: 季先生、章女士     
电话:    021-62492808
Email: jiqiang5873@yahoo.com.cn, zwyshanghai@hotmail.com
The 2013 International Master Class on Directing (Germany)
Shanghai Theatre Academy
The 2013 International Master Class on Directing will be held on May 12th. to June 15th , 2013. Cosponsored by the Art Bureau of the Chinese Ministry of Culture and Shanghai Theatre Academy, this event is hosted by STA’s Directing Department. Five internationally renowned directors from German are invited to give lectures and workshops. Each International director will be teaching for a week. During the first fours days of the week, the director master will lecture and train the students on class. On the fifth day, the students are required to give a presentation. The professor and students will sum up the week by discussion in the last two days.
Besides the faculty and students of the Directing Department of STA, senior professional directors from all over China are also encouraged to apply. This year we will recruit 30 students. Priority is give to directors who have won the awards of the “National Stagecraft Competition Project ." There are also financial support available for them.
It is the first time in China that such a master class is held to present famous international directing professors systematically. STA will also invite experienced Chinese directors to assist/collaborate with the international masters. In the meantime, many theatre Festivals are going to be held in Shanghai. Theatre groups from different countries all over the world will gather in Shanghai. The Festivals will add more attraction to, and create a great atmosphere for the 2013 International Master Class on Directing.
The International Master Class on Directing is planned to be held for 6 sessions from 2009 to 2014, which are as follows,
2009 - United States of America
2010 - United Kingdom
2011 - Russia
2012 - France
2013 - Germany
2014 - Australia
Address: Department of Directing, Shanghai Theatre Academy 630 Hua Shan Road, Shanghai 200040
Contact: Mr. JI, Ms. ZHANG
Tel: 021-62492808

Email: jiqiang5873@yahoo.com.cn, zwyshanghai@hotmail.com