约翰·舒尔赫(Jochen Schölch)
Jochen Schoelch 1966年生于海德堡附近的莱蒙。他1984以来一直在慕尼黑(大都会剧院,巴伐利亚国家剧院,Gärtnerplatz国家剧院),波兹坦和意大利卡利亚里(Cagliari)等地担任导演。
2002年约翰·舒尔赫凭借他的作品《露茜·卡布罗尔的三种生活》(„Die drei Leben der Lucie Cabrol“)使大都会剧院荣获了巴伐利亚戏剧奖。
专业剧评杂志《今日戏剧》(Theater heute)提名他为最具潜质的导演。
2008年和2009年被《德国舞台艺术》(Die Deutsche Bühne)评为德国最佳开放剧院。
Jochen Schölch
Jochen Schölch was born 1966 in Leimen near Heidelberg. He is a director since 1984 in Munich (Metropoltheater, Bayerisches Staatsschauspiel, Staatstheater am Gärtnerplatz), Potsdam and Cagliari / Italy.
He set up the Metropoltheater in Munich 1998. Already the first performance in his one theatre „The Black Rider“ was a great success. In 1998 he joined the faculty of the Bavarian Theatre Academy. In 2002 he was appointed head of the acting class, in 2006 he was appointed full professor.
2002 the Metropoltheater was honored with the Bavarian theatre-award for Jochen Schölchs performance of „Die drei Leben der Lucie Cabrol“ (John Berger).
The professional journal Theater heute nominated him as the best up-coming director.
2007 he was honored with the Art-Award of Schwabing.
2008 and 2009 the journal Die Deutsche Bühne voted the Metropoltheater the best Off-theatre in Germany.
2011 WOYZECK won the Award for the best overall art performance and for the best performance on the main stage at the 29th Bavarian theatredays in Bamberg.
2012 EISENSTEINwonthe Award for the outstanding Ensembleperformance at the bavarian theatredays in Augsburg.