

斯塔迪斯·里瓦蒂诺斯(Stathis Livathinos)
      斯塔迪斯出生于雅典,毕业于Pelos Katselis 戏剧学校及雅典大学英国文学专业。1990年毕业于俄罗斯戏剧学院(GITIS)戏剧专业,获得戏剧导演文学硕士学位及戏剧表演艺术学硕士学位。
      他凭借自己毕业作品《罗森克兰茨与吉尔死了》(Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead)荣获了莫斯科剧评奖,该剧由汤姆•斯托帕德(Tom Stoppard)编剧,于1990年上演于马雅可夫斯基剧院(Mayakovsky Theatre)并且一直作为该剧院保留剧目至2001年。他还凭借由他执导的托尼•库什纳(Tony Kushner)的剧作《幻觉喜剧》(The Illusion Comique)荣获了2000年希腊戏剧评论协会颁发的年轻创作者奖。他在2002年获得Fotos Politics Award 的最佳导演奖。他曾于佩特雷大学古希腊戏剧中心教授戏剧,并且在哈佛大学同莫斯科艺术剧院开展合作项目。2001年至2007年,他担任希腊国立剧院实验剧场的艺术总监,在这七年中,他执导了许多戏剧作品,培养并组建了一支由年轻有天赋的演员组成的团队,其中许多成员都凭借自己的剧场演出作品获得了多项提名与奖项。
Stathis Livathinos
Stathis Livathinos was born in Athens and is a graduate of the Pelos Katselis Drama School and the School of English Literature at the University of Athens.  
His began his professional theatre career as an actor at the Greek Popular Theatre (1981-1983), which was founded in 1955 by the late Manos Katrakis.  He is an honours graduate of the Theatre Department of the Moscow State Theatre Institute and has a postgraduate degree in both directing and theatre acting.He received the Moscow Theatre Critics Award for his graduate production of Tom Stoppard’s “Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead", which was performed at the Mayakovsky Theatre in 1990 and remained in its repertory until 2001.
He also received the Young Creators Award from the Theatre Critics Association in 2000 for his direction of Tony Kushner’s The Illusion. 
In 2002 he was awarded the Photos Politis Prize for his directing. 
From 2001 to2007, Stathis Livathinos was Artistic Director of the Greek National Theatre’s Experimental Theatre. During that time he directed some of its most successful productions and created a core company of talented young actors, many of whom were honoured with various awards.   
In 2001, he launched an innovative educational venture with the founding of Greece’s first school of theatre direction as part of the Experimental Theatre.