

玛丽亚的专业背景是行动戏剧。她曾经在欧丁剧院北欧Farfa中心做演员,也曾经是这个中心的创始成员。她是一个被认证的行动分析师(美国纽约拉班运动研究中心认证)并且获得了莎拉劳伦斯学院(美国纽约布朗士区)的学士学位。她现在是米兰戏剧学院和米兰 Piccolo剧院的教授。过去,她也曾在纽约大学Wing实验剧院,Tisch艺术学院(美国纽约)和都林斯塔比尔戏剧学院(意大利都林)任过教。她曾是意大利拉班/ Bartenieff研究协会的主席和创始人,为学员提供纽约拉班运动研究所认证行动分析师资格课程。
她曾是纽约ReCherChez表演研究小组的成员(美国),这个小组由Ruth Maleczech和马布矿场剧院(先锋剧团)的李·布鲁尔领衔。
康萨格拉长期与意大利喜剧演员保罗·罗西合作,构思并导演他的剧作。她还与意大利知名的导演Luca Ronconi在不同的演出中合作,主要负责创立演员的行动。
Maria Consagra
Maria Consagra’s background is in movement theater. She acted in and was founding member of the Gruppo Farfa (part of the Nordisk Laboratorium Center, Odin Teatret).She is a Certified Movement Analyst (LIMS: Laban Institute of Movement Studies, New York,USA) and has a B.A. from Sarah Lawrence College ( Bronxville, New York, USA).
Currently, Consagra teaches at the Scuola D'Arte Drammatica Paolo Grassi in Milano and at the Scuola del Piccolo Teatro di Milano. In the past, she taught at the Experimental Theater Wing, NYU, Tisch School of the Arts (New York,USA) as well as at the school of the Teatro Stabile di Torino ( Turin, Italy). She was president and founding member of the Associazione Laban/Bartenieff Italia (Association for Laban/Bartenieff studies in Italy), offering a course to become a Certified Movement Analyst with a diploma from LIMS, New York.
Consagra began her career with Il Teatro del Sole, a theater company dedicated toyounger audiences. The work was group directed and evolved through improvisation.The theater pieces were performed through out Europe and at important festivals,including the Biennale di Venezia (Italy), Festival of Graz (Austria), Festival of Nancy (France).
She was part of the ReCherChez performance study group in New York ( USA), lead by Ruth Maleczech and Lee Bruer of the Mabou Mines ( avant-garde theater company). Consagra has worked extensively with the Italian comedian Paolo Rossi, signing the ideation and codirecting his plays. She collaborated with the well-known Italian director, Luca Ronconi, in various productions, focusing on creating movement for the actors.
Two master's theses have been written on Maria Consagra’s pedagogical work. Their titles are: Percorsi e metodologie del Pedagogia Teatrale: Il lavoro di Maria Consagra, Daniele Milani: Università degli Studi dell'Aquila (Aquila, Italy). Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia. Relatore Prof. F.Taviani. Per una pedagogia teatrale al lavoro con Maria Consagra, Anna Zanetti. Università degli Studi Bergamo. Dipartimento di Lettere e Filosofia, Relatrice Anna Maria Testaverde.
Consagra’s pedagogical work focuses on guiding student actors and professionals to full awareness of their bodies, whether they are working toward a primarily physical theater or in twentieth-century plays. As Laban and Grotowski teach, the body and the mind are one.
Consagra creates performances with the students at the Piccolo Teatro di Milano and at the Scuola d' Arte Drammatica Paolo Grassi. The work is very physical, and the physicality is completely integrated with the imagination. Some performances are created by giving student actors themes on which to improvise; others are created from myths; others still begin with the creation of a mask, a physical mask each student creates for him/her self. Each mask comes to life as a “mask-character.” The relationships between the mask-characters and the themes around which they play create the performance.