

布莱恩∙凯特(Brian Kite
布莱恩教授现任加州大学洛杉矶分校戏剧系主任。他在美国国内外执导过很多成功的戏剧作品。他从2008起至2015年,担任La Mirada 表演艺术剧院的艺术总监,他的广受好评的作品包括《美国白痴》( American Idiot),《舞动人生》Billy Elliot),《悲惨世界》(Les Misérables),《西贡小姐》(Miss Saigon),《恐怖小商店》(Little Shop of Horrors),《朋友晚餐聚会》(Dinner With Friends)Cathy Rigby主演的《钢木兰》(Steel Magnolias)、由Michael Learned主演的《山水喜相逢》(Driving Miss Daisy),和David Auburn的《证据》(Proof)
凯特是2013洛杉矶最佳音乐奖的最佳导演奖的获得者。他执导了全国巡演的戏剧作评《炎热的夜晚》(In the Heat of the Night),他也曾执导过经典名著《毕业生》和《傲慢与偏见》,他还执导了在中国第一次巡演的《西贡小姐》,该作品还作为澳门国际音乐节的闭幕演出。他执导过在中国大陆巡演的,由玛格丽特·柯林(Margaret Colin)主演的《绝密:争夺五角大楼的文件》(Top Secret: The Battle for the Pentagon Papers)。这是第一个在北京国家大剧院演出的美国戏剧作品。在此之前,他执导了《女王州长庇护下的百慕大卡巴莱表演》(Cabaret in Bermuda under the patronage of the Queen’s Governor),和在好莱坞的The Actors Co-op上演的田纳西·威廉姆斯(Tennessee Williams)的《玻璃动物园》(The Glass Menagerie)
其他作品包括电台录制的大卫·马麦特(David Mamet)的《美洲野牛》(American Buffalo)和两个《洛杉矶的复兴》(Los Angeles revivals)Archibald MacLeishJ.B.和阿瑟·米勒(Arthur Miller)的《萨勒姆的女巫》(the Crucible),以及在西海岸首映的 Václav Havel的歌剧《乞丐》(The Beggar)。他执导了费城出品的格伦·维恩(Glenn Wein)的《希尔维亚奶奶的葬礼》(Grandma Sylvia’s Funeral),和托尼奖获奖导演格芬剧院Geffen Playhouse制作的由安妮特·贝宁主演的《海达·高布乐》(Hedda Gablern)。在他担任纽约French Woods戏剧节的执导总监的七年职业生涯里,他执导了超过20个作品。
Brian Kite
Directior and chair of Department of Theater of UCLA .Brian Kite has directed live theater across the United States and abroad. He served as producing artistic director of La Mirada Theatre for the Performing Arts from 2008-2015 and directed many productions for the theater, co-produced by McCoy Rigby Entertainment, including their critically acclaimed productions of American Idiot, Billy Elliot, Les Misérables, Miss Saigon, Little Shop of Horrors, Dinner With Friends, Steel Magnolias, starring Cathy Rigby, Driving Miss Daisy, starring Michael Learned, and David Auburn’s Proof.
Kite is the recipient of the 2013 Los Angeles Ovation Award for Best Direction of a Musical for his production of Spring Awakening. He directed the national tours of In the Heat of the Night, The Graduate and Pride and Prejudice for L.A. Theatre Works,  He also directed Top Secret: The Battle for the Pentagon Papers, starring Margaret Colin, which toured throughout Mainland China. The production was the first U.S. production of a play at Beijing’s National Center for the Performing Arts (NCPA). Prior to that, he helmed the production of Cabaret in Bermuda under the patronage of the Queen’s Governor and directed Tennessee Williams’ The Glass Menagerie at The Actors Co-op in Hollywood.
Other credits include the live radio recording of David Mamet’s American Buffalo and two Los Angeles revivals, Archibald MacLeish's J.B. and Arthur Miller's The Crucible, as well as the West Coast premiere of Václav Havel’s The Beggar’s Opera. He directed the Philadelphia production of Glenn Wein’s Grandma Sylvia’s Funeral and worked with Tony Award-winning director Daniel Sullivan on Geffen Playhouse’s production of Hedda Gabler, starring Annette Bening. He directed more than 20 productions during his tenure as director of theater programs at New York's French Woods Festival, a position he held for more than seven years.