

伊士尔·卡萨布格鲁(Işıl KASAPOĞLU)
从土耳其伊斯坦布尔加拉塔萨雷高中毕业后,伊士尔·卡萨布格鲁进入法国巴黎索邦大学研习戏剧。大学毕业时,他加入了巴黎国家音乐学院的Pierre Vial工作室。1978—1983年期间,他给大量剧场导演做助理,并在1983年成立了“来了剧团”。接下来的几年里,他在巴黎写作并导演了数部作品,《从前》,《那斯尔丁大师》,《菲尔斯河的岩石》,《时间里的时间》。1987年,他因为伊斯坦布尔市立剧院导演哥尔多尼的《一仆二主》,而获得土耳其文化部颁发的最佳导演奖。接下来的数年中,他导演了Bilgesu Erenus的《客人》,S. Wenström的《我的小骗子》,R. Duncan的《亚伯拉德和爱洛漪丝》,在法国巴黎导演了哈罗德·品特的《喝了上路》。
1990年以后,卡萨布格鲁回到他的祖国,主要在土耳其国内继续他的事业。他因为伊斯坦布尔市立剧院导演莎士比亚的《李尔王》,而获得Avni Dilligil奖最佳导演奖;因为Bakırköy Belediye剧院导演阿里斯托芬的《和平》,而获得戏剧评论协会伊斯坦布尔评审团奖。
他是伊斯坦布尔Aksanat制作剧院的成立艺术总监,导演了R. Duncan的《亚伯拉德和爱洛漪丝》,奥古斯特·斯特林堡的《债权人》,比尔盖·卡拉苏的《被爱》,乔奇·戈登伯格的《M. Knepp》,阿克·本黑池的《A City For One》,丹里德·多斯特的《费尔南多·克拉普写给我这封信》,大卫·马梅的《亲爱的鸭子》,贺宁·曼凯尔的《羚羊行动》。他为Akbank儿童剧院导演了数部儿童戏剧,包括他自己写作的《从前》和《故事里的故事》,莫里哀的《吝啬鬼》,卡尔·奥尔夫的《月亮》。
他也为İş Sanat剧院导演儿童歌剧,作品包括卡米尔·圣桑和Yaprak Sandalcı的《动物狂欢节和穆索尔斯基》,Zeynep Avcı改编的《彼得·潘》,伊士尔·卡萨布格鲁自己创作的《你应该知道》。
1997年,卡萨布格鲁创立了伊兹密尔城市剧院,他导演了莎士比亚的《哈姆雷特》,安东·契诃夫的《求婚》,伯纳德·玛丽·柯尔戴斯的《罗伯托·祖柯》(Yapı Kredi Afife Jale最佳导演奖,在线戏剧观众奖的最佳导演奖),以及他自己创作的《从前》。
2002年,伊士尔·卡萨布格鲁在伊斯坦布尔创立了茶炊剧团-边缘剧院。他为这个剧院导演了Kasapoğlu的《那斯尔丁大师》,莎士比亚的《第十二夜》和《暴风雨》,F. 阿塔尔的《飞鸟大会》,Zeynep Avcı的《备忘录不可抗拒的崛起》,亨利·珀塞尔的《狄多和埃涅阿斯》,奥尔罕·凯末尔的《穆尔塔扎》,C. Boynukara的《Mem与Zin》,恩佐·柯曼的《支配》,埃尔文·威尔士的《猜火车》,萨伊特·法伊克·阿巴瑟亚纳克与Yavuz Pekman的《茶炊与公司》,贝托特·布莱希特的《大胆妈妈和她的孩子们》,Adel Hakim的《14号执行者》。
他导演的其他戏剧作品还有,果戈里的《钦差大臣》,G. Sururi的《演员》,O. Asena的《恐惧》,Turgay Nar的《垃圾场》,Zeynep Avcı的《吉尔伽美什》,安东·契诃夫的《蠢货》,索福克勒斯的《安提戈涅》,约翰·怀廷的《恶魔们》,艾德蒙·罗斯丹的《大鼻子情圣》,费德里科•加西亚•洛尔卡的《笼中的女儿》,瓦茨拉夫·哈维尔的《迪捷普語》,Tuncer Cücenoğlu的《帽子》,汤姆·肯皮因斯基的《分离》,马克斯·奥伯的《犯罪样板》,冈戈尔·迪尔门的《我,安那托利亚》,伯纳德·玛丽·柯尔戴斯的《西码头》,泰瑞·约翰逊的《歇斯底里》,安东尼·霍洛维茨的《圣人还是罪人》,祖哈拉·尤里扎主演的《黑白独奏会》,安东·契诃夫的《上帝保佑你喜剧》,K. Turgul的《奇迹的喜剧》,P. Blassband的《娜塔莉》,I. Kurtchmy的《纳尼亚传奇》,纳辛·辛克美的《来自我国的人文景观》,韦利·拉塞尔的《凡夫俗女》。
2017年,伊士尔·卡萨布格鲁因其前瞻的作品和对土耳其戏剧的热爱和贡献,获颁Yapı Kredi Muhsin Ertuğrul终身成就奖。
Born in 1957, Işıl Kasapoğlu is one of the most prolific directors of Turkish theater with international recognition.
After graduating from Lycée de Galatasaray of Istanbul, Turkey, Işıl Kasapoğlu studied theater in Sorbonne University, Paris. Upon graduation, he attended Pierre Vial studio in Paris State Conservatory. He assisted numerous theater directors between 1978-1983 and founded Theatre a Vénir in 1983. In the following years, he wrote and directed the plays Once Upon A Time, Nasreddin Hodja, Rock a Fils, Time in Time in Paris. In 1987, he received the Turkish Ministry of Culture Best Director award for directing Goldoni's The Servant of Two Masters for Istanbul Municipal Theatre. In the following years, he directed the plays The Guest by Bilgesu Erenus, My Little Crook by S. Wenström, Abelard and Heloise by R. Duncan, and Paris, and One for the Road by Harold Pinter in France.
After 1990, Kasapoğlu returned back to his homeland and mainly continued his career in Turkey.
He received Avni Dilligil Best Director Award for directing King Lear by Shakespeare for Istanbul Municipal Theater, and Union of Theater Critics Istanbul Jury Award for directing Peace by Aristophanes for Bakırköy Belediye Theatre.
After 1994, he directed numerous Shakespeare plays for the national Turkish State Theater's Diyarbakır, Trabzon, Adana and Ankara city stages. Macbeth, The Merchant of Venice (Union of Theater Critics, Istanbul Jury Award), Twelfth Night, Measure for Measure(Union of Theater Critics, Istanbul Jury Award), Much Ado About Nothing, Richard III are among the plays he directed at this period.
He became the founding artistic director for Aksanat Production Theatre, Istanbul and directed Abelard and Heloise by R. Duncan, The Creditors by A. Strindberg, To Be Loved by Bilge Karasu, M.Knepp by Jorge Goldenberg, A City For One by Behiç Ak, Fernando Krapp Wrote Me This Letter by Tankred Dorst, Duck Endearment by David Mamet, The Antilopes by H. Mankell. He directed children's plays for Akbank Children's Theater including Once Upon No Time, Tale in A Tale written by himself, Miser by Moliere, Lune by Carl Orff.
He also directed children's operas for İş Sanat Theater including: Animal Carnival and Mussorgsky by Camile St. Sense and Yaprak Sandalcı, Peter Pan adapted by Zeynep Avcı, You Should Know written by Işıl Kasapoğlu himself.
Kasapoğlu founded the İzmit City Theater in 1997. He directed Hamlet by Shakespeare, The Wedding by A. Checkhov, Roberto Zucco by B.M. Koltes (Yapı Kredi Afife Jale Best Director Award, Tiyatro-online Audience Awards Best Director Award), and Once Upon No Time by I. Kasapoğlu.
In 2002, Işıl Kasapoğlu founded Semaver Kumpanya – Çevre Tiyatrosu (Samovar Company-Periphery Theater) in Istanbul. For this company, he directed Nasreddin Hodja by Kasapoğlu, Twelfth Night and The Tempest by Shakespeare, Council of The Birds by F. Attar, The Irresistable Rise of Memo by Zeynep Avcı, Dido and Aeneas by H. Purcell, Murtaza by Orhan Kemal, Mem and Zin by C. Boynukara, Dictate by E. Cormann, Trainspotting by I. Welsh, Samovar and Company by Sait Faik-Yavuz Pekman, Mother Courage and Her Children by Bertold Brecht, Executor No.14 by Adel Hakim.
Among the other plays he directed are The Inspector by Gogol, Actor by G. Sururi, Fear by O. Asena, The Dump by Turgay Nar, Ghilgamesh by Zeynep Avcı, Bear by A. Checkhov, Antigone by Sophokles, Devils by J. Whiting, Cyrano de Bergerac by E. Rostand, the House of Bernardo Alba by F.G. Lorca, The Memorandum by Vaclav Havel, The Hat by T. Cucenoglu, Separation by T. Kempinski, Model Crimes by Max Aub, Me, Anatolia by Gungor Dilmen, West Quay by B.M. Koltes, Hysteria by T. Johnson, Saints or Sinners by Antony Horowitz, Black and White Recital with Zuhal Olcay, God Bless You Comedy by Anton Checkhov, The Comedy of Miracles by K. Turgul, Nathalie by P. Blassband, The Chronicles of Narnia by I. Kurtchmy, Human Landscapes From My Country by Nazım Hikmet, Rita by W. Russell.
In 2017, Işıl Kasapoğlu received the Yapı Kredi Muhsin Ertuğrul Life-Time Achievement Award for his pioneer work, devotion and contribution to Turkish theater.