


何塞·路易斯·巴伦苏埃拉(José Luis Valenzuela
拉丁剧院艺术总监和董事会主席,洛杉矶戏剧中心艺术总监。加州大学洛杉矶分校终身教授何塞·路易斯·巴伦苏埃拉(José Luis Valenzuela)是著名的戏剧/电影导演和加州大学洛杉矶分校UCLA戏剧电影电视学院的戏剧导演教授和专业负责人。
25年多来,他在北美主要的地区剧院执导过许多倍受赞赏的作品,包括洛杉矶戏剧中心。1985年他在洛杉矶戏剧中心创建了拉丁剧场实验室,并在马克·塔普尔剧院创立了拉丁先锋剧院。他最近执导了两部戏是《预谋》和《孤独》,都由艾薇丽娜(Evelina Fernandez)编剧。自2006年以来,他一直是洛杉矶戏剧中心的艺术总监,致力于创建一个美国最前沿的多元化戏剧艺术中心。他最近执导的作品有,凯伦·扎卡雷斯(Karen Zacarias)的《欲望的命运》(DESTINY OF DESIRE),一个墨西哥三部曲,艾薇丽娜(Evelina Fernandez)(LATC)的《美国故事》(AN AMERICAN STORY),希望剧院(El Teatro de La Esperanza)(LATC)创作的《受害者》(La Victima)和《瓜达卢佩圣母》La Virgen de Guadalupe),《Dios Inantzin》(我们天使大教堂的圣母),所有作品都由拉丁美洲戏剧公司制作。他的国际导演作品还包括在易卜生剧院和挪威北方(Norland)剧院的亨利克·易卜生(Henrik Ibsen)的《佩尔金特》(Peer Gynt)和挪威国家剧院的曼努埃尔·普伊格(Manuel Puig)的《蜘蛛女人的吻》。2002年,他导演的由艾薇丽娜(Evelina Fernandez)撰写的《痴呆》(Dementia)全球首演,获得了2003GLAAD洛杉矶杰出戏剧制作奖。
何塞的艺术视野和他的社团合作的贡献为他赢得了很多的荣誉。由于他在社团合作方面的成就,他被加州大学洛杉矶分校中心提名为Ann C.罗森菲尔德杰出社团合作奖获得者;他也是西班牙裔遗产月的当地年度英雄奖的获得者。这两个奖项都是表彰那些为各自所在的社团做出很大贡献,以提高人们生活质量的杰出的公民的。
他是还是Howl Round的咨询委员会,并在2014年曾牵头组织了时长一个月的来自美国和波多黎各的拉丁裔戏剧艺术家的创作集会。在2017年,他将制作第二个Encuentro节日——“美洲拉斯韦加斯”,扩大其影响范围,为北美、中美洲和南美洲以及加勒比地区带来好的作品。
Jose Luis Valenzuela
José Luis Valenzuela is the artistic director of the Los Angeles Theatre Center, an award-winning theater and film director and a tenured professor at the UCLA School of Theater, Film and Television.
For more than 25 years, Valenzuela has directed critically acclaimed productions at major regional theaters including the Los Angeles Theatre Center, where he created the Latino Theatre Lab in 1985, and the Mark Taper Forum, where he established the Latino Theater Initiative. He most recently directed Premeditation and Solitude, both by Evelina Fernandez (LATC), La Victima by El Teatro de La Esperanza (LATC), and La Virgen de Guadalupe, Dios Inantzin (Our Lady of the Angels Cathedral), all produced by the Latino Theater Company.
His international directing credits include Henrik Ibsen’s Peer Gynt at the Norland Theatre in Norway and Manuel Puig’s Kiss of the Spider Woman at the National Theatre of Norway. In 2002, he directed the world premiere of Dementia, written by Evelina Fernandez, for the Latino Theater Initiative, which won the 2003 GLAAD Award for Outstanding Theater Production in Los Angeles. Valenzuela was featured in The New York Times in December 2007 and the Los Angeles Times in December 2008 for his annual pageant play La Virgen de Guadalupe, Dios Inantzin.

Valenzuela’s artistic vision and community commitment has garnered him many recognitions, nominations and awards including the Ann C. Rosenfield Distinguished Community Partnership Prize presented by UCLA Center for Community Partnerships, and the Hispanic Heritage Month Local Hero of the Year Award sponsored by Union Bank and KCET, Los Angeles. Both awards recognize distinguished citizens for their contributions to improving the quality of life throughout their respective communities.