【国际客座教授】 弗拉基米尔•格里高利耶维奇•拜切尔(俄)



弗拉基米尔·格里高利耶维奇·拜切尔1994年毕业于俄罗斯戏剧艺术学院(GITIS)导演系戏剧导演专业,师从俄罗斯著名导演列昂尼德·海菲茨(Леонид Хейфец)教授,而海菲茨教授师从阿列克谢波波夫与玛丽亚克尼比尔。




Vladimir Baicher graduated from the Russian Institute of Theatre Arts (GITIS) in 1994 with a degree in theater directing from the Department of Directing under Professor Leonid  Heifetz, a famous Russian director, who studied under Aleksey  Popov and Maria Knebel .

Aleksey Popov was a great Soviet theater and film director, actor, teacher, and theorist, who studied and worked in the First Studio of the Moscow Art Theater under Konstantin Stanislavsky and Leopold Antonovich Sulerzhitsky in his early years. His series of books The artistic integrity of the performance  and others have been well known to theatre creators in China for a long time.

Maria Knebel, a great Russian theater director and teacher, studied at the Moscow Art Theatre Studio No. 2 in her early years, was a direct participant in the exploratory period of Konstantin Stanislavsky's Active Analysis method, and was the most important summarizer, practitioner and teacher of the method. In addition, it was through her efforts that Michael Chekhov's works were published in the Soviet Union.

Vladimir  Baicher's studies were inherited from the Moscow Art Theatre of the Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko era, directly from the Maria Knebel school, but with new developments in that vein, and is the successor and developer of the Russian school of directing and performing.